S/A - Administração na Prática" - Cengage Learning - 2011 - In nearly 550 pages reveals the vast business world,
with strong emphasis on people. The book is light, accessible, practical,
questioning, discerning and grounded, finally, it's different from anything
you've ever seen. The book blends Administration with Social Psychology,
Evolutionary Biology, Decision Theory and Critical Thinking, so that the reader
has a more comprehensive view of Business. The chapters are independent, making
life easier for the reader. Self-Confidence, Creativity, Time Management,
Delegation, Motivation, Leadership, Projects & Processes, Mathematics in
Business, Strategy, Governance, Sustainability, Marketing, Finance, HR, IT are
among the topics discussed. The book ends up treating Knowledge, Fads and
Consulting, ending with a prose on Happiness. Aimed at students, entrepreneurs,
business owners, executives, managers and people in general who are part of the
corporate world. |
"Frases Geniais - que você gostaria de ter dito"
- Ediouro - 2004 - Nearly 4,000 quotations of hundreds of authors, carefully researched, selected
and organized as a thesaurus, so that similar issues are close, making reading
more enjoyable. 3 years of research and more than 150,000 phrases analyzed, in order to just
left the very best quotations ever.
"Do Bestial ao Genial - Frases da Política" - Ediouro - 2006
- Vast collection of politics sayings, jokes and cases, giving a interesting historical overview
of Brazil and the world, with shades ranging from the most perfect nonsense to
the most sublime genius.